Users Guide for
Corona Dart Board
Model No.
Setting Up
To use your Corona Dart
line” (the official name for
this line is the “oche,”
rhyming with “jockey”),
behind which a player has
to throw, is marked at 7'
91/4." For less formal com-
petitions, you can approxi-
mate these distances.
Board, hang it on your wall,
the back of your door or
anywhere you want to play
In professional dart tour-
naments, the board is hung
so the bull’s eye is 5' 8"
from the ground. The “toe
The Rules of Darts
You can play darts by
yourself or against an oppo-
nent. Two teams can also
play against each other.
outer ring of the bull’s eye
is worth 25 points.
Many different dart
games can be played.
Below are three of the most
Each player takes a turn
throwing. A “turn” consists
of three darts thrown in suc-
cession. To determine who
shoots first, a single dart
can be thrown. The player
landing closest to the bull’s
eye shoots first.
for 301
and 501
The most popular dart
games are called “301” and
“501.” In both games, the
basic principle is the sub-
traction of your score from
the initial score of either
301 or 501, with the winner
reducing his score to exact-
ly zero. Here are the rules.
The yellow and black
side is used by most dart
players and in tournaments.
Landing a dart in any of
the 20 numbered triangles
earns the same number of
points as that number.
However, landing a dart in
the doubles ring gives you
double the points and land-
ing a dart in the triples ring
gives you triple the points.
The center circle of the dart
board is called the “bull’s
eye.” It has an inner and
outer ring. Landing a dart in
the inner ring is worth 50
points. Landing a dart in the
Before any score is
counted, the player must
begin by hitting a double.
(Any double will do.) That
means the player must land
a dart between the two yel-
low lines on the outer
perimeter of the board.
Once a double has been
thrown, that dart and all
subsequent darts will count
toward reducing the score
to zero.
would work. If you have an
odd number left, then your
first darts must reduce the
score to an even number
before you can throw a dou-
ble. For instance, there is no
possible double out from
21, so a way to finish
would be to throw a single-
1 first, reducing the score to
20. Then you can “go out”
with the number 20 by
throwing a double-10.
The score is determined
by subtracting the count of
each dart from the initial
score. Remember, the outer
ring counts double, and the
inner ring is worth triple
The winner must reduce
his or her score to exactly
zero and must “double out”
in the process—a double
must be hit on the final
throw. For example, if the
player has 32 left to reach
zero, he or she must hit dou-
ble 16. If a single 16 is
scored, then the player must
hit double 8 to score zero,
and so on. Naturally, a play-
er must be left with an even
number in order to set up
the winning double attempt.
If the player scores more
than the exact score needed,
that particular turn does not
count. And the player’s
score remains as it was
prior to that turn. For ex-
ample, if 16 is required and
the player scores 17 (or
totals 17 or more with his or
her three darts), the score
remains at 16. Likewise,
since the final score must be
a double, if 16 is totaled, the
turn does not count and the
score remains at 16. If 15 is
totaled, the turn does not
count either, since the play-
er cannot double out on a
single (one) score.
This part of the game,
known as “going out,” is the
most difficult stage. If you
have two points left, you
must hit a double-1 to bring
the score down to zero.
From 18 points, a double-9
Each number must be
opened before any scoring
on that number is possible.
Numbers can be opened or
closed in any order.
“Calling,” or naming the
number a player is shooting
for, is not required.
Rules for
Cricket uses only the
numbers 15-20 and the
bull’s eye. Before any scor-
ing is possible, a player
must “open” one of these
numbers by hitting it three
times. (Doubles within the
numbers count as two hits
and triples as three hits. For
the purpose of opening the
bull’s eye, the outer bull
counts as a single, and the
inner bull counts as a dou-
A player wins when he
or she opens ALL the 15-20
numbers first AND has the
most points or is tied with
his opponent.
If a player has opened all
the 15-20 numbers first and
is behind in points, he or
she must continue to score
on any numbers the oppo-
nent has not closed. This
goes on until either the
player catches up in points
and wins, or the opponent
has closed all the numbers
15-20 and wins.
Once one player opens a
number, he also “owns” it.
That player scores the indi-
cated number (including
doubles and triples of this
number) whenever he or
she hits it—until the other
player also hits the number
three times to “close” the
number (doubles and triples
count as in opening). Once
the number is closed, nei-
ther player earns points
when landing anywhere on
the number.
90-Day Limited Warranty
INC., warrants to the original con-
sumer that its products are free from
any electrical or mechanical defects
for a period of 90 DAYS from the
date of purchase. If any such defect
is discovered within the warranty
TRONICS, INC., will repair or
replace the unit free of charge upon
receipt of the unit, shipped postage
prepaid and insured to the factory
address show at right.
not allow exclusion of incidental or
consequential damages, so the
above limitations and exclusions in
these instances may not apply.
The only authorized service center
in the United States is:
Excalibur Electronics, Inc.
13755 S.W. 119 Avenue
Miami, FL 33186 U.S.A.
Phone: (305) 477-8080
Fax: (305) 477-9516
The warranty covers normal
consumer use and does not cover
damage that occurs in shipment or
failure that results from alterations,
accident, misuse, neglect, wear and
tear, inadequate maintenance, com-
mercial use, or unreasonable use of
the unit. Removal of the top panel
voids all warranties. This warranty
does not cover cost of repairs made
or attempted outside of the factory.
Ship the unit carefully packed,
preferably in the original carton,
and send it prepaid, and adequately
insured. Include a letter, detailing
the complaint and including your
daytime telephone number, inside
the shipping carton.
If your warranty had expired and
you want an estimated fee for serv-
ice, write to the above address,
specifying the model and the prob-
Any applicable implied war-
ranties, including warranties of
merchantability and fitness, are
hereby limited to 90 DAYS from
Consequential or incidental
damages resulting from a breach
express or implied war-
ranties are hereby
excluded. Some states
do not allow limita-
tions on the dura-
tion of implied
warranties and do
13755 SW 119TH AVENUE
PHONE: 305.477.8080
FAX: 305.477.9516
Play games
live at:
PL26 (MA) CoronaDarts 072406 V3
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